17 days ago

Barcelona hospitals introduce 'therapy dogs' for patients 

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In a novel initiative to improve patients' mental health, therapy dogs are being introduced in two hospitals in Barcelona, Spain. These furry companions bring joy to the patients, their families, and healthcare workers. Often, these affectionate animals' presence provides comfort and solace amidst the medical environment.

Amidst the COVID era, the role of dogs as companions has taken on a profound significance. Beyond the traditional role of pets, these therapy dogs have become beacons of solace, offering comfort and companionship in times of loneliness and sadness. 

Their unique training allows them to serve in diverse settings, from hospitals and nursing homes to libraries and schools, providing a much-needed emotional support system. They are affectionately known as ''therapy dogs.''

At the Day Hospital of the De Ma Hospital in Barcelona, a patient named Joel Bueno, who was admitted due to a blood clotting disorder, experienced a profound connection with two therapy dogs, Vida and Lu. He shared, ''Their presence was like a balm to my soul. They didn't know me, yet they brought so much joy in that moment.''

The program initiated by the De Ma Hospital and the Affinity Foundation aims to enhance patients' mental well-being through therapeutic interactions with dogs. 

One patient remarked that when doctors told him he had to stay in the hospital indefinitely, he felt disheartened. But since he found out he can spend time with dogs occasionally, he doesn't feel as bad anymore. This initiative is extraordinary.

As part of the program, patients can spend 15 to 20 minutes twice a week with therapy dogs. Healthcare professionals believe that animals have a significantly positive impact on patients' mental health.

Not only patients but also exhausted healthcare workers in the emergency departments of hospitals are finding relief in the presence of therapy dogs. Amidst the constant stress, these innocent creatures are spreading calmness and joy. They are adored by patients, hospital staff, patients'patients' families, and doctors. This initiative significantly reduces the daily mental pressure on everyone involved.

Scientific research is being conducted to measure the impact of dog therapy on patients ' mental health. Saliva samples are collected before and after therapy sessions, and the immediate and promising results are being analyzed. This research-backed approach to dog therapy is a testament to its effectiveness and potential for widespread adoption. Interestingly, therapy dogs originated after World War II and have gained significant traction.

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